- Chams & NoSmoke
- Slowdown ( No slowdown when hit )
- Fastreload
- Speedhack
- Norecoil & Nospread
- ROF ( Rate of fire )
- Damage
- StartHP
- Spacemode/Fly
- FriendlyFire
- Wallshot ( Force shoot through walls )
- Radarhack
- Ironsights ( On all weapons where they're available )
- Barricades
- Spectate anyone
- Cursorhack
- Ammohack ( Almost infinite ammo, remember to buy some after enabling! )
- Scorehack ( Freezes kills at 666, so you will get a medal for every kill! )
How to use:
Get firefox. Load up CS Portable. When you are in the menu or in-game inject CSPHv3.2.dll into the plugin-container.exe process using your favourite injector.
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